Primary Care Networks


Currently, we are working together as a group of surgeries in a geographical area and serving a natural local community. This group is called a Primary Care Network (PCN)

Five surgeries have decided to work together in our PCN. They are:

  • Beaconsfield Medical Practice
  • The Haven
  • Preston Park Surgery
  • Stanford Medical Centre
  • Warmdene Surgery

We have approximately 57000 patients and over 160 staff.


What does this mean for Patients?

It means we can:

  • Create different roles to support patient care to our patients – for example social prescribers, first line physiotherapists
  • Increase and develop new services for our patients with the aim of improving their health and wellbeing
  • Share best practice
  • Utilise the skills of our staff
  • Join up primary and community health services
  • Make best use of our premises

We will keep your informed of the progress of our PCN

If you would like to be more involved, each surgery has a Patient Participation Group (PPG) who will be consulted and involved in the development of the broader PCN

Please also be advised that as part of this PCN we will need to share data about patients between the surgeries in the PCN and other statutory NHS bodies. These Data Sharing agreements will be made publicly available as soon as they are ready