

This surgery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and vulnerable adults who attend our surgery, either as patients or when accompanying patients.  We expect all of our staff to share this commitment.

If a member of staff has a concern regarding a child or young person or vulnerable adult they have a duty to act upon that concern.  This may mean sharing their concern with another professional and following guidance required in the “Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures” and the Sussex Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults”.


A message to children and young people

If you have anything that worries or bothers you, whatever it is or however big or small it feels; if you wish to talk about it to either a doctor or nurse we are here to listen.

  • OR you could ring Child line on:  0800 1111

A message to parents and carers

If you have concerns regarding a child or young person or a vulnerable adult’s safety or you are concerned about your own ability to care for your child or children or other please discuss this with your GP.

  • OR you could telephone the NSPCC: 0808 800 500
  • OR for support as a parent telephone: 0808 800 2222
  • Age UK: 0800 169 6565
  • Action on Elder Abuse: 0808 808 8141
  • Carers UK: 0808 808 7777